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Every student matters to us.

We know everybody by name and a happy, friendly environment is fostered. If you would like to change your own life for the better and at the same time have a profound positive impact on the lives of others, come and join us at the ICH!

"Thank you so much. This has been a life changing course and I am so excited for the future..."

Professional Course

DCH - Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis


The Professional Course is open to holders of the ICH Foundation Course Certificate or those who can successfully demonstrate, at interview, the requisite level of knowledge, skill and/or experience.

The ICH Professional Course provides students with the most thorough and challenging training in hypnotherapy, leading to the Diploma qualification DCH - Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis.

The DCH qualifies the holder to set up in practice, register with relevant professional bodies (see Accreditation) and to work with their own clients as well as with NHS or similar complementary therapy teams.

The course is spread over eight weekends at monthly intervals. We normally hold one Professional Course per year.

Each Professional Course is followed by one day of examinations.

The examination day will consist of:-

» one 3-hour written paper
(three essays and a Multiple Choice Questionnaire)
» a practical examination and…
» a short, written "Definitions Paper".

Throughout the course, theory is mixed with enjoyable and instructive practical sessions, so essential to building the confidence of the future practitioner. All the lecturers are people chosen not only for their superior knowledge of the material but also for their ability to teach it. In addition to the lectures, students are expected to attend regular supervision with a dedicated ICH Supervisor.

All DCH holders are invited to join The Association of the ICH of Clinical Hypnosis (AICH).

Those students who are willing to further their studies to the Advanced Level and to the Master Practitioner Level  may do so by continuing their studies through ICH Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Courses for Qualified Hypnotherapists.



Breathing and Counting

Creative visualisations
Hand rotation
Hand shake
Inductions with children
Not knowing/Not doing

Hypnotic Tools for Therapy

Age regression and revivification
Anima/Animus therapy
Automatic drawing
Automatic writing
Creative mothering
Death bed/chair therapy
Fast Phobia Cure

Hypnotic Language
Laughter and humour in therapy
Locus of control

Pain Management
Past Life regression
Personal Power Spot
Positive and negative hallucinations
Pseudo-orientation in time


Regression in current life
Surgical preparation
Therapeutic metaphors
Time Distortion

TimeLine Projection

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming

A thorough introduction is given to the most useful and up-to-date NLP techniques

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

A thorough introduction to CBT and REBT

Ericksonian and Elman Techniques

The famous Erickson and Elman inductions are taught throughout the course

Psychological Theories


Client Management

Anatomy and resuscitation
Assertiveness training
Dealing with abreactions
Strategic psychotherapy
The effective hypnotherapist

Practice Management

Building the practice
Data Protection Act
Legal considerations

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Next Course Dates:


Central London


Starting on 28th of June 2025 until 8th February 2026

16 Days over 8 weekends (Sat/Sun) as follows:

Weekend 1:    28.6-29.6.25

Weekend 2:    12.7-13.7.25

Weekend 3:    27.9-28.9.25

Weekend 4:    18.10-19.10.25

Weekend 5:     8.11-9.11.25

Weekend 6:     6.12-7.12.25

Weekend 7:     10.1-11.1.26

Weekend 8:     7.2-8.2.26

Diploma Exam March 2026

Course Fee

Early Bird £2175 until 30.5.25

Normal £2950 from 


Registration Fee £375 payable at the time of booking.


The remainder due in 4 instalments before the weekend 1, weekend 3, weekend 5 and weekend 7

Exam Fee: £185 (Payable on weekend 8)

Course Supervision:

In addition to the costs above, each student is required to pay 2hrs of supervision (at the cost of £50 per hr) directly to their assigned supervisor, and their professional indemnity insurance fees (either student or a professional).

Controversial topics such as stage hypnosis or False Memory Syndrome are also explained and discussed in detail. There will be lectures by the medical and legal professions throughout the course.

Case Histories & Homework
Each weekend, case histories are discussed and analysed. These are provided either by students or by the lecturers. Students are expected to prepare six case histories and four homework assignments during the Professional Course and to submit these for assessment prior to taking the Diploma Exam. All written work submitted by students is marked and discussed with them individually by the appropriate lecturer. It is also expected that, between course weekends, students will practise the skills that they have learned.


We understand, that as our students often work full time, it may not always be possible to complete all required case histories prior to an agreed exam date and an extension to case histories may be agreed with the student. However, after the extended period is passed, diploma can only be obtain by resitting the diploma exam.

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